Die Schweiz

1.2 Nachbarstaaten der Schweiz

1.3 Die Fläche der Schweiz

2.1 Kantone der Schweiz

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2.1 Lösungen.pdf
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2.4 Kantone am iPad üben



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Nerviges Kantonsvideo (Englisch)

Falls du das Lied der Klasse vorsingen willst, hier ist der Text:


We are the country of Switzerland
Located in Central Europe our mountain ranges are grand

We are the country of Switzerland

We are the 26 Cantons to tell you our names is the plan


Let’s start off with me I’m Zürich In the northeast,

I stand My capital shares the same name Zürich


in Switzerland Bern is the name of the Canton you now see

Bern is also the name of the capital given to me


I’m Lucerne In the center of this country

Lucerne is my capital where this star is you see


Uri is my name in central Switzerland

I am Altdorf is my capitals name this is where it stands


I am Schwyz A central landlocked Canton here

Schwyz is my capital it sounds like it appears


My name is Obwalden Switzerland geographical center

My capital is Sarnen is in the center of my land


Nidwalden is the Canton that you are learning about now

In Stans, we speak German it’s where my capital sits proudly


I’m Glarus I joined the Swiss Confederacy in 1352

Glarus is also the name of my capital and this is certainly true


We are the country of Switzerland

Located in central Europe our mountain ranges are grand

We are the country of Switzerland

We are the 26 Cantons to tell you our names is the plan


Zug that is the name of my central canton on your screen

Zug is also the same name shared by the capital in me


I’m Fribourg nice to meet you from Switzerland West

Fribourg is also the capital name that I was blessed


My names Solothurn I’m a Swiss Northwestern canton

Solothurn is my capital so you’ve learned in this song


Basel-Stadt here Switzerland's smallest canton

Basel’s where France and Germany border Switzerland


I’m Basel-Landschaft Augusta Raurica’s my fame

I have a capital in my north Liestal that is its name


I’m Schaffhausen the northernmost Canton in Swiss Geography

Schaffhausen’s also my capitals name in the northern part of me


Appenzell Ausserrhoden A canton in the Northeast

Herisau is the name of my capital you see


Appenzell Innerrhoden I house part of Mount Säntis

Appenzell is my capital up in my Northeast


I am St. Gallen I was formed in 1803

St. Gallen’s the name shared by my capital and this is where it’s gonna be


I’m Graubünden the largest Eastern Most canton is shown here

My largest town and capital is named Chur as it appears


We are the country of Switzerland

Located in central Europe our mountain ranges are grand

We are the country of Switzerland

We are the 26 Cantons to tell you our names is the plan


Aargau is the name of this northern Canton

Aarau is my capital I hope you like how I’m drawn


I’m Thurgau I became a Canton in 1798

Frauenfeld’s my capital it means woman’s field ain’t that great


My names Ticino The Southernmost Canton below

Bellinzona is the name of my awesome capital


My name is Vaud on the west of the country of Switzerland

I have a capital and its name is known as Lausanne


I am Valais A large Canton located in the South Capital

Sion’s known for it’s the old town you heard this from my mouth


I’m Neuchâtel I’m in the west also a Swiss Canton

Neuchâtel is my capital We’re almost done let's move on


I’m Geneva the westernmost canton almost all my sides surrounded by France

My capital Geneva’s the second most populous by chance


Jura is the name of my northwestern Canton

Delémont is my capital of which I am fond


Hello my name is Switzerland

A European country

Bern is my capital

Now sing the chorus, please


3.1 Arbeiten mit der Schweizerkarte

Zusatzaufgaben zum Arbeiten mit der Schweizerkarte mit LÖSUNGEN
3.1 Bonusaufgaben (freiwillig zum Üben f
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 237.4 KB

3.2 Die Vier Landessprachen

3.3 Schweizer Dialekte

SRF Einstein vom 25.08.2016: Schweizer Dialekte:

Chuchichäschtli Orakel:

Mit ein paar Fragen findet das Orakel heraus, woher dein Dialekt stammt! Probiere es aus!


4.7 Gletscher

Aufgabe K1:

Aufgabe F3: Hier ein kleines Bonusvideo, welches alles wichtige nochmals zusammenfasst und erklärt.

4.8 Wie das Wasser in die Berge und in den Boden kommt

Aufgabe O2: Video

4.10 Tourismus

O1: Helveticus - Tourismus und Wintersport

O2: Caumasee in Graubünden